Wellbeing and Equalities
GIRFEC – Getting It Right For Every Child
To find more about Aberdeenshire’s approach and resources available, please visit their website: https://www.girfec-aberdeenshire.org/
The Portlethen Local GIRFEC Group (LGG) is made up of key service representation from within our community –
• Portlethen Academy: Mrs Law (DHT Pupil Support and LGG Chair); Mrs Johnston (PT Guidance)
• Portlethen Cluster Schools: Mrs Tullock (HT Newtonhill School)
• Educational Psychology: Kirsty Kemp
• Police Scotland: PC Charnley
• Health: Claire Thom, School Nurse
• Social Work
• CLD (Community Learning & Development)
• Third sector representation including SAMH
Our LGG aims to hold a Wellbeing Evening to support Parents and Carers, every two years. Our second one of these was held in October 24, where we shared various information to better support parents and carers. The slides from the evening can be viewed below.