Active Schools
Active Schools
Active Schools is a term given to all schools in Scotland that provide pupils with sufficient opportunities to get active to the extent that it makes a positive contribution to their health. Active Schools is a key element in the Scottish Government’s drive to get more Scots more active; a commitment outlined in the National Physical Activity Strategy, ‘Let’s Make Scotland More Active’.
The fundamental aim of the Active Schools Network is to offer school-aged children the motivation and opportunities to adopt active and healthy lifestyles. These opportunities are available before, during and after school, as well as in the wider community. Active Schools is more than just getting school-aged children to take part in formal sport and exercise. Active Schools also aims to introduce more physical activity into their daily lives through active travel, play and dance. As such, the physical activity and sport element of Active Schools links closely with a number of other key government initiatives – Health Promoting Schools and Safer Routes to Schools, to name just two – and is supported by a broad range of partners.
Active Schools in the Portlethen Cluster
To see what activities are currently available and to book places, please click on the links below.
Contact your Active Schools Coordinator for any other information about this network.
Rebecca Ripley, Active Schools Coordinator. Email Rebecca Ripley