Parent Council

Welcome to the home page of Portlethen Academy Parent Council, or PAPC for short!

You can contact us via email at

You can also follow us on Facebook here and on X here to keep up to date. 

PAPC is open to all members of the Parent Forum (the parents, guardians and carers with parental rights and responsibilities of pupils attending Portlethen Academy). We provide a voice for parents and carers on issues that are important to us and our young people, and we support the school in developing strong home/school partnerships. Parents and carers are the most important influence throughout a young person's education and family involvement in learning can and does make a real difference to our young people's achievements. We also raise funds to provide additional resources and activities.


Our office bearers for session 2024/2025 are:

Chair: Ian Bruce 

Treasurer: Kerry Kidd

Co-secretaries: Rowena Beaton and Sonia Mendes


Our meetings for 2024/2025 are: 

Tuesday 12th November

Tuesday 14th January

Thursday 6th March

Tuesday 29th April

Thursday 19th June


All meetings take place in the staffroom from 19.30-21.00 or you can attend virtually via Microsoft Teams (links will be emailed).

More information from Aberdeenshire Council on parental involvement and engagement can be found here: 

Parent Council - Aberdeenshire Council (