Skills Development Scotland

Your Careers Advisor in Portlethen Academy is Jennifer Johnston.

Days in school: Monday, Tuesday, alternate Wednesdays, Thursday & Friday. You can find me in room 4G1, near the Guidance Teachers' rooms.

How SDS works in your school: You'll see me in your PSE classes throughout S1-S4 and in S2 for a one-to-one career conversation.

In S4-S6 you may have a career conversation arranged for you by your Guidance Teacher or you can make an appointment for yourself. I will also be available at Parent/Carer Evenings throughout the year.

How to make an appointment: please either contact your Guidance Teacher, come and see me directly, or drop me an email at this address:

My WOW image/link to website in box here. MWOW to open in new page with links to socials. Also for parents: